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Evans' Twins Memorial Grant


Jenilee and Jillian were born eleven minutes apart at the Regina General Hospital, September 13, 1984.

At 21 years of age, on December 30, 2005 their lives ended because of a collision involving impaired driving. They passed away at the Regina General Hospital within 10 minutes of each other.

After this tragic incident SADD was the recipient of numerous donations in memory of the twins. Mr Evans co-workers at IPSCO donated over $18,000 in memoriy of the twins. The SADD Board of Directors, with the support of the Evans family have agreed that the best way to honour the twins memory is to set up the Evans Twins Memorial Grant.

SADD Saskatchewan is indebted to all those who donated in memory of Jenilee and Jillian.


  • The grant limit will be $500 per project
  • 5 Grants of $500 will be awarded annually to Chapters as chosen by the Board of Directors
  • The Grant deadline will be September 30th each year for Chapters to submit application forms. The forms will be sent to all Chapters and posted on our website
  • Chapter submissions must include projects that involve their local communities, a public awareness component regarding drinking and driving, and recognition of SADD Saskatchewan/Evans Twins Memorial Grants as the source of the grant funds.
  • The 5 Grants for $500 each will be awarded to the winning Chapters at the SADD Saskatchewan Provincial Conference Banquet or Annual Meeting each year.

grantapplication.pdf grantapplication.pdf

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Article ID: 7
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2016-07-07 15:07:36
Views: 5828
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (43)

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