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Nicole Nakonechny Memorial Award


SGI provides a bursary of $1,000 to the school that receives the award each year. The winning school also receives the Nicole Nakonechny Memorial Plaque for display in their school for one year.

To qualify for the award, a school must complete an application form and prepare a summary of their activities for an entire year.

Nicole Nakonechny was a student at Meath Park School, near Prince Albert. She was one of the pioneers of the SADD movement in Saskatchewan. She was one of the founders of her school's SADD group in 1987. Meath Park School was one of the first chapters in Canada.

Unfortunately Nicole was never able to see the success that SADD was to become. In late 1987 she was killed in a collision not involving alcohol. Before being killed, she designed for her chapter a new SADD logo. In 1988 her logo design became the logo for provincial SADD in Saskatchewan and has since been adopted by SADD groups in Alberta, Newfoundland, British Columbia, and the North West Territories.

In 1989 SADD established the Nicole Nakonechny Memorial Award to recognize Nicole's contribution to SADD and to encourage young people to follow her example. Since 1989 the award has been given out annually to the SADD chapter which has been most active in that year.

A list of all previous winners can be obtained from the SADD Saskatchewan office.

nakonechny.pdf nakonechny.pdf

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Article ID: 1
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2016-07-07 15:01:58
Views: 3309
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